First Suarez, now Cavani – why do Uruguayan footballers keep using n-words? (by Cady Siregar)

At first glance of the Spanish word, its meaning seems unmistakeable. “Negrito.”  The word is discriminatory and racist, a demeaning slur directed to Black people and one that should be wholly condemned and erased from modern vernacular, the Spanish-language translation … Continuer de lire First Suarez, now Cavani – why do Uruguayan footballers keep using n-words? (by Cady Siregar)

NBA commentators’ racial bias is showing, according to a new study (by Nagha Srikanth)

The story of the NBA is dominated by Black players, but the script is largely being written by mostly white commentators who are biased against darker-skinned players, according to a new study.  “Players of lighter skin tone are perceived as … Continuer de lire NBA commentators’ racial bias is showing, according to a new study (by Nagha Srikanth)